taller 4 p 8 inglés.doc (999 kB)

Refuerzo de inglés tercer periodo



Direction: Read the dialog and then answer the questions.


Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to

 Go out, but I think it will just continue raining.

Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps

The sun will come out later this afternoon.

Martha: I hope you're right. Listen,

 I'm going to have a party this Saturday.

Would you like to come?

Jane: Oh, I'd love to come.

Thank you for inviting me. Who's

Going to come to the party?

Martha: Well, a number of people

 Haven’t told me yet. But, Peter and Mark

 are going to help out with the cooking!

Jane: Hey, I'll help, too!

Martha: Would you? That would be great!

Jane: I'll make lasagna!

Martha: That sounds delicious! I know

 my Italian cousins are going to be there.

 I'm sure they'll love it.

Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake...

Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it.

Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there

 going be a theme for the party?

Martha: No, I don't think so.

Just a chance to get together and have fun.

Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.

Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown!

Jane: A clown! You're kidding me.

Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted

 a clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own party.

Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh.

Martha: That's the plan!

Follow-up Questions


1.       What do they think about the weather?



2.       What does Martha have to share?



3.       What are Peter and Mark going to do?



4.       What does Jane offer to do?


Translate this sentences into Spanish (will / going to)

1.            It will just continue raining.

2.            The sun will come out later this afternoon.

3.            I'm going to have a party this Saturday.

4.            Who's going to come to the party?

5.            Peter and Mark are going to help us.

Translate into English

1. Estoy seguro que les encantara.

2. haré  un pastel.

3. A ellos les encantará.

4. ¿Va ser un tema para la fiesta?

5. Va a ser muy divertido.


Refuerzo de inglés segundo periodo




Responda el siguiente cuestionario, demostrando dominio de los temas vistos durante el periodo académico. Para cada pregunta debe dar dos respuestas; observe y siga el modelo de la que ya está dada. Además, presente su cuaderno con las fechas y temas vistos en cada momento de clase.

Tema: there was/were

1.       Pregunta: how many students were there in the classroom?

A)      There were five students in the classroom today


2.       Was there  a museum in your hometown?

3.       Were there  many trees in that park over there?

4.       Was there a blue car in the garage?

Tema: pasado progresivo

1.       Pregunta: what were you doing when the fire started?



2.            Was Rachel feeding the cat?

3.            Were the children painting a picture?

4.            Was Clark repairing his computer?



  1. Pregunta: what can you do now that you are 5 years old?

A)      I can do my homework alone


  1. What Can she play now?
  2. What Must you wait outside?

Tema: have to 

  1. Pregunta: what are some things that you have to do today?

A)      I have to study English with my friend at home.


  1. Do I have to pay in advance?why
  2. Does your father have to travel a lot at his job?why
  3. Does she have to wear a uniform?why


Refuerzo de inglés primer periodo

La actividad de refuerzo de inglés se enfoca en el desarrollo de la habilidad comunicativa en inglés para ello, usted debe tener su cuaderno al orden del día y responder en una entrevista (examen oral) el siguiente cuestionario.

Responda en inglés el siguiente cuestionario

1.      Say the name of a famous celebration around the world

2.       Where do they celebrate it?

3.      When do they celebrate it?

4.      How do they celebrate it?


Diga en inglés el pasado de los siguientes verbos.











Responda en inglés el siguiente cuestionario

What is Saint Valentine’s Day?

How do people celebrate it?

When is celebrate in USA?

How did you celebrate it last year?


Haga cinco preguntas en pasado simple usando (la forma interrogativa)







Verb in present form






DIALOGOS: Two polite people.   A lost pen


I hope you’re okay

Bien, la idea es preparar estos 2 diálogos para otra  nota de inglés, en los link  que adjunto encontraran las con versaciones. 

Cuando abra el link en la parte superior de la página, haciendo click en la imagen de audio podrán escuchar los diálogos. Ensaye la pronunciación 

Two polite people

Dialogo 1

A lost pen

Dialogo 2


English for 8th eighth


El presente perfecto se usa en el idioma inglés para narrar hechos que ya han concluido pero en un tiempo breve. present perfect en inglés, se construye con el verbo auxiliar have o has, si es en tercera persona, he, she, it, más el participio del verbo, past participle

reading 1.1.docx (63,4 kB)


Lea y escuche a parte de la historieta titulada  “ The Rooster and the Fox” y responda las siguientes preguntas:

Who ruled the cottage?

Who was Pertelote?

How do you describe the animal in charged of the cottage?

What was the dream that didn’t let Chanticleer sleep?

What did the wise Roman write about dreams?



An aged widow lived with her two daughters in a simple cottage. They kept three pigs, three cows, and a sheep with a sooty head. This widow was never sick from overeating or drinking. Her meals were slender, and her table was mostly black and white – covered with milk and brown bread. Sometimes she had a little bacon, or an egg or two, because she also kept hens in the barnyard.

Her yard was well defended by a fence and a ditch. It was ruled over by a rooster called Chanticleer. He was the best crower in the land. When he stood on his toes, clapped his wings, and sang out, his voice was merrier than an organ on a church day. In fact, you could rely on him for his wake up call better than any clock. And what a proud, fine looking bird he was too! The comb on his head was redder than rare coral. His bill was as black as jet. His legs shone like azure. His toe nails were whiter than lilies – and his body was burnished like gold.

Chanticleer had seven wives in his harem, but his favourite by far was a damsel called Pertelote. She was polite and carefree, and not to mention a good companion and very sociable.

One night, Chanticleer sat among his wives on his perch in the hall of his palace – which was in fact a barn. Next to him sat fair Pertelote. Just towards dawn he began to sigh as if with his dying breath. Then he let out the most piteous moan, “AHHHHHHH!”

Pertelote awoke with a start. “My dear heart,” she said to her husband, “What is the matter with you? Normally you sleep so soundly.”

Chanticleer shook himself awake, “My wife,” he said, “I dreamed of trouble and mischief, and my heart was afraid. I dreamed that in our yard I saw a beast, something like a hound, and he was about to seize my body and kill me. I have never seen a dog quite like him. His colour was between yellow and red. His tail and his ears were tipped with black. He walked with a cunning, low kind of swagger. He was evil, I tell you, evil! A robber and a murderer here in our yard!”

“Alas!” Replied his wife. “For you have lost all your courage and all my love in one go! We women want husbands who are hardy, wise and free. How dare you say to your love that anything makes you afraid? Have you no man’s heart? No beard? Can you be afraid of a mere dream? The things we see in dreams are the result of drinking and eating too much. It is greed that disturbs your sleep.”

But this ticking-off did nothing to settle the flap of her normally proud husband. He stretched his neck and called out, “Murder! Murder! I saw it in a dream. Dreams come true I tell you!”

“Tish, tish,” his wife told him. “Have you not heard what the wise Roman Cato wrote about dreams? Do not hold any store by them. Do not believe in dreams, they never come true – that’s what he said. Now my dear, what you need is a good laxative to clear you out. I will find some herbs for you in the morning; Laurel, centaury, fumeterere, and berries – and we shall worm you and cleanse you of all this nonsense. Be merry, my husband. Sleep soundly. For your dear departed father’s sake, dread no dream.”

Reading Comprehension


Direction: Read the dialog and then answer the questions.

Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to

 go out, but I think it will just continue raining.

Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps

the sun will come out later this afternoon.

Martha: I hope you're right. Listen,

 I'm going to have a party this Saturday.

Would you like to come?

Jane: Oh, I'd love to come.

Thank you for inviting me. Who's

going to come to the party?

Martha: Well, a number of people

 haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark

 are going to help out with the cooking!

Jane: Hey, I'll help, too!

Martha: Would you? That would be great!

Jane: I'll make lasagna!

Martha: That sounds delicious! I know

 my Italian cousins are going to be there.

 I'm sure they'll love it.

Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake...

Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it.

Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there

 going be a theme for the party?

Martha: No, I don't think so.

Just a chance to get together and have fun.

Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.

Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown!

Jane: A clown! You're kidding me.

Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted

 a clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own party.

Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh.

Martha: That's the plan!

Follow-up Questions

What do they think about the weather?


What does Martha have to share?


What are Peter and Mark going to do?


What does Jane offer to do?


How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins?


What special plan is there?


Why does Martha want a clown?


Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not?


How does Jane think people will react to the clown?


Is there a theme for the party?