English for 6th sixth


1st First Period

  1. Informal greetings
  2. Countries and nationalities
  3. Subject pronouns.
  4. Verb to be


1. Informal greetings Informal greetings.docx (12,8 kB)

2. Countries and NationalitiesCountries and Nationalities.docx (321868)

3. Subject pronouns.





2nd Second Period

  1. Verbo TO BE en sus tres formas del presente
  2. Adjetivos posesivos.
  3. Adjetivos calificativos.
  4. Plural subject pronouns


1. Verb to be: affirmative form VERB TO BE.doc (111616)


3rd Third Period

  1. Prepositions of time: in, on, at
  2. Wh Questions.
  3. Adjectives for feelings and personality.
  4. List of the most useful English verbs.
  5. Sports vocabulary 

  6. Physical appearances

  7. Regular and irregular plurals

  8. Parts of the body

  9. Reading strategy

  10. Can / can’t

  11. Use of and/ but

  12. Simple present






4th Fourth Period

  1. Present progressive tense in affirmative,
  2. negative and interrogative form
  3. Time expression for the present progressive
  4. Prepositions of place.
  5. There is / there are.
  6. Verb: To have

  7.  Describing Clothes:

  8. Addition and effect: also, so.